Change The Author Name In WordPress Post

How To Change The Author Name In WordPress Post

You hire a ghost writer or want to show another author who has written the article. In such situation, you can change the author name in WordPress post.

Sometimes, your guest blogger may not turn out to be as faithful as you thought and to get rid of that person, you can replace the author name with yours.

In this post, you will find a perfect solution with no extra plugin or anything. Only the use of your WordPress admin panel is included.

You can easily change the author name in WordPress posts. You can do that for a single post or the multiple posts.

What Should You Know Before Changing The Author Name

Before you jump to the conclusion, you should know where to find all the users and who can modify it.

You should know about setting the users’ role and only the administrator can alter them. There are the different type of users depending on their roles provided by the administrator.

To see the list of all the authors along with the number of posts published by them can be seen by navigating to Users>>All Users.

A new page will open and you will see all the current users of your website.

A list will be showing along with all the details including their roles, total posts, name, and email address. You will see an administrator for your name.

Changing The Author Name For A Single Post

Go to Posts>>All Posts and open the post you want to edit.

At the top of the WordPress post editor page, you can see an option to enable “Screen options”. Click on that link and a drop-down menu will appear.

You will see many checkboxes. Click on the checkbox showing beside “Author”.

Scroll down till the end of the post and you will see a new option which was not present before. It will consist all the names of the authors you have seen before.

It’s a drop-down menu having a list. You can change the author name in WordPress post by selecting any author you want.

You have chosen the author name but to accomplish this process, you have to update this post. Click on the “Update” button and the author name for the post will get changed and your readers wouldn’t see an old author.

Changing The Author Name For Multiple Posts

Go to Posts>>All Posts and you will see a list of 20 posts because WordPress shows only 20 posts on one page.

If you want to change it then click on the “Screen Options” at the top-right corner of the screen and you will see the number of items per page.

It would be 20 by default, you can change it to 30, 40 or anything you want.

After that, click on the posts for which you want to change the author name.

NOTE : You are going to change the author name of the selected post to one author instead of different authors.

All the posts will be showing published by that author only.

You may see the “Bulk Actions” option below the posts types. You have to choose “Edit” all the selected posts from the list and click on “Apply” button.

You will see many options including the categories, tags, author, comments, pings etc.

To change the author, you can see the list of authors against the drop-down menu. Choose your favorite author and update the settings.

Congrats, you have successfully changed the author name for all the selected posts. You can repeat the same process for the rest of the posts whenever you want.

Isn’t That Easy To Change The Author Name In WordPress Post

It’s really annoying when you hire someone or trust someone to write the blog posts for you and after some time, you face some quality issues.

It’s always good to change the author name in WordPress post to build your authority. Most of the bloggers do that when they individually handle their blogs.

What’s your call? Are you going to replace the author name for one post or many? If you face any problem, feel free to ask.

You can also connect with us on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hi Ravi, Thank you! This is great to know. I usually made people contributors to my blog but this could help when it’s a guest post for a one time event. I didn’t know how to accomplish this but you made it very easy here with your screenshots. Thank you!

    1. Hey Lisa,

      It’s kind of brainstorming when you seek for the best solution and only a plugin is there. But changing an author name is so easy from WordPress admin panel.

      You can replace it whenever you want.

      Thanks for stopping by.


  2. Fabulous tutorial, Ravi. Like Lisa, when I had guests in the past, I just made them Contributors. This is great to know in the event of a single guest post. Thank you for sharing!


    1. Hey Bren,

      I was thinking about accepting guest posts but had some confusion regarding the quality of the content. Then I got this solution. You can change the author name anytime you want.

      It will save you from getting messed up.

      I am glad you could find it helpful.

      Thanks for your support.


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